Ini pindahan dari blog lama juga. Postingan asli di sini
I wrote this post months ago actually, after I watched X-Men: The Last Stand. But being a moody person as always, moodnya tiba-tiba ilang, dan baru sekarang muncul lagi. So here is the complete post…
Udah pada nonton kan filmnya? X-Men maksud gue. Yang belom nonton, ceritanya baca ndiri yak, di resensi-resensi hehehe tapi pokoknya inti ceritanya masih lanjutan dari X-Men sebelumnya. Tapi sekarang ada penemuan baru yang bisa merubah para mutant itu jadi manusia normal. Jadi mereka punya pilihan, tetap dengan kemutantannya, tapi terisolasi ATAU pake obat itu (disinar-sinar gitu deh), ’sembuh’, dan jadi manusia ‘normal’.
That movie makes me wonder…
Kalau saya jadi salah satu mutant itu mungkin saya juga bakalan tersinggung berats. Emang jadi mutant itu some kinds of disease, sampe harus di’sembuh-sembuh’in segala??? Being different doesn’t mean we have a disease to cure kan??? Lagian siapa kamu, ngejudge para mutant itu akan lebih bahagia kalo jadi manusia? Mereka kan ciptaan Tuhan juga, lengkap dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Buat saya sih, asalkan kita mau berdamai, menerima keadaan kita masing-masing, dan juga keadaan orang-orang lain, ya sudah, hiduplah amantenteram. Tanpa harus sirik dan dengki, tanpa harus mikir ’saya pasti lebih bahagia kalau saya jadi dia, de el el de el el…
About changing itself, do we have to change?
If you know me since I was a kid, I do change a lot. Dari penampilan aja, saya sekarang jauuuuhhh (tampak) feminin heheheh…Seriously, 27 years that I live, there are many turning points in my life that makes me change. Most of them I don’t mean to (even sometimes I don’t want to 😉 ), but maybe the situations and conditions happened make me see things differently, interpret things even more differently, and at the end those makes me react differently.
Just to name one, being away in such a long time from my family for the first time when I have to go to Bogor for my high school really teaches me lot of things. That’s the first turning point I still remember so clearly. Good turning point, I have to say…
Then many things happen, one thing leads to another, that many times amazed me (still, even until now) that how can those things possibly happen in my life??? Kok bisa ya…Though in the end things work out just fine, but still amazed me. Or maybe, that’s how life goes, AMAZING…? Well, I believe so…I am a firm believer of that actually 😉
Back to our topic, I think we all have to change. There is nothing constant in this world, maybe the only constant thing is the change itself. Look around you. Name one thing that you know ever since that you were born till you are this old that’s constant. If everything around you is changing, will you just stay the same? Maybe it is not we HAVE TO change, but we NEED to change, in order to adapt with the changing of our environment.
Pasti jadi bingung deh. Tadi katanya ngapain ngerubah-rubah para mutant itu jadi manusia? Sekarang kok kita butuh berubah?? Gimana sih dedek???
Hmmmm…see the two points I made?
First, the mutant. Ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang merasa mereka harus dirubah.
Second, my side. Saya berubah karena perubahan lingkungan sekitar saya, perubahan umur saya, perubahan pengalaman hidup saya, intinya perubahan itu karena saya yang mau, atau tepatnya mau nggak mau (tapi teteup saya nggak bakalan mau deh kayaknya kalo disuruh orang berubah…).
Jadi ingat cerita salah satu teman terbaik saya, dia bilang dia sedang dalam misi merubah seseorang. Seseorang yang menurut dia ‘kok begini…kok begitu…coba dia begini…coba dia begitu…’. Hmmmm…the truth is I dont believe that we can change someone unless that person wants to change him/herself. Unless that person realizes that s/he needs to change.
Saya juga jujur kadang-kadang gregetan pengen ngerubah seseorang (atau beberapa orang) dalam hidup saya. Cuman kalo saya pikir-pikir lagi, saya juga banyak dodolnya kok. Siapa saya, kok bisa-bisanya mikir saya lebih baik dari dia dan bisa ngerubah dia? Jadi ya nyantai aja…
Maybe I’m quite harsh in this, but I do believe that if you change because someone asks you to, it won’t last long. You have to change because of yourself, not because of somebody else told you so…
Sometimes in life, you do meet some people that’s meaningful for you, and they DO make you change…
But again, you have to change because you want it…